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Araz Aliyev arrested for political reasons - "Platform III Republic"

Baku/26.12.23/Turan: The "Platform III Republic" issued a statement condemning the administrative arrest of the co-founder of this political structure, Araz Aliyev.

The document notes that Aliyev was detained at about 18:15 on December 23 in the Nasimi district of Baku by plainclothes men. During his detention, Aliyev was subjected to physical violence. He was taken to the 24th Nizami district police department. There, Aliyev was interrogated by plainclothes officers about the creation and activities of the "Platform III Republic", and electronic media were seized from him.

After that, Aliyev was handed over directly to the officers of the 24th police department, who illegally and unreasonably drew up a protocol against him on committing offenses under Articles 510 (petty hooliganism) and 535.1 (disobeying the police) of the code of administrative misconduct.

During the court session, Araz Aliyev stated that the charges against him and the political motives for his persecution were unfounded and falsified.

This notwithstanding, the court sentenced him to 25 days of administrative arrest.

At the same time, no information was provided to the public about the trial of Aliyev, he was not provided with access to a lawyer and the opportunity to contact his family.

An appeal against the arrest and a complaint about the violation of the rights of Aliyev during detention are currently being prepared.

The authors of the statement believe that violations of Aliyev's rights are an integral part of the repressive campaign and are connected precisely with his activities in the "Platform III Republic".

In particular, it indicates "an illegitimate and politically motivated violation of Aliev's rights not to be subjected to torture, to freedom and personal security, to fair justice, etc.

The platform believes that such repressive measures are aimed at preventing civil participation in the country and instilling fear in societies.

However, such repressive measures will not change the action plans of the "Platform III Republic" and within this framework our agenda," the statement concludes.

A group of socio-political activists announced the creation of a "Platform" aimed at establishing a genuine republican system in Azerbaijan.

The working staff of the "Platform" included political and public activists: Akif Gurbanov, Araz Aliyev, Elman Fattah, Rovshan Aghayev, Ruslan Izzetli, Samed Rahimli and Yadigyar Sadigly.

Note that Akif Gurbanov was elected head of the working staff for a period of 1 year.--06C-

Source: Turan agency

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